Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Job Interview...:(

So today's job interview was both a success and a failure.  A failure because I doubt I got the job, but a success because I was told I have one where I am.
To clarify:  The interview consisted of 10 minute, 3 questions, and the inability to fully explore each answer.  Each person was given only 10 minutes to answer 3 questions.  I was unable to use technology to display my answers, so they could not possibly understand the answers I gave.  I did however give the principal a flash drive with all the supporting documentation and data she would need to back up my statements.
In the interview there were 4 people and me.  2 board of education administrators of magnet school (school choice), and 2 from the school.  1 of the board members is a frequent visitor at Betances, and someone I taught with for many years when I taught at Clark in the North End of Hartford.  When we left, she asked to walk me down the hall to discuss something.  When we got around the corner, she asked me whether I was going to apply to my school, which is being re-designed and all teacher need to re-apply for their jobs.  I said that my program was designed for middle and high school and that I wanted to explore those possibilities.  She said that everyone was hoping that I would stay at my school and do a couple of days per week at another school which was a middle school.  She also mentioned she would be the Principal of this other school, and she really wanted me there to help her.  Bad news is this seems like the nix on the school I was interviewed at, but Good because I have a job!
Today I feel a bit bummed, but tomorrow I am sure I will feel secure in that I am working somewhere next year.  I had resigned myself to wanted a new challenge and opportunity to use my program as it was intended, fully implemented in a school of technology.
At least I will be off the unemployment line!  I am sure I will feel better about it in the morning :(

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