Thursday, January 26, 2012

3 Hard Indoor Rides...Ouch!

Well tonight was the 3rd Longer duration sets workout in a row that were at or near Threshold...Man!  I wanted tonight to be a lower intensity long duration ride, but got caught up in the group dynamics of the session.  Indoors with 20 people causes you to work harder than maybe is required, especially when you are up front.  Note to self - Next time you have a recovery ride planned, set up in the rear!  Here are the stats from tonight:

For the month so far I am at 184 miles at 14.2 mph avg.  That is close to my goals for those ride dynamics.  My avg cadence is 75, up a bit from 70, but not quite at the 80 I need it to be.  I have to make sure my rest intervals are at a higher cadense while avg 13-14 mph.  This will help once I get to the road also.
If I ride on Sunday 25 miles or 2 hrs, I will exceed 200 miles which will make Januaray a successful month of training.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Indoor training continues...

I went to Newington Bike, and we did a new spinerval workout that included 3 - 10 minute at or near threshold intervals.  I love the longer sets as they more accurately represent workout outside, and the efforts needed to become successfull outdoor.  I again tried to keep my cadence above 100 rpm, but I forgot my 800, so had to use my fr60 watch.  The fr60 did not recognize my speed/cadence sensor, so I had to turn it off.  The fr 60 still was able to capture my time and HR.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Indoor riding...Sunday coming down..

Well I tried to do an indoor session on Sunday at Newington Bike while watching the Raven's defeat the Texans, but I had nothing in the tank:

After Wednesday's all out Threshold Test (Spinervals: Threshold Test and Sufferfest) I really didn't know what to expect, and as it turned out I had nothing.  I couldn't spin, and couldn't get my heart rate up.  I expected to at least be able to maintain my HR in the 130's but to no avail.  I hope I can get it back by tomorrow indoor session.
After 2 week, and looking at my goals of 14mph and an avg cadence of 80, I am on track for the MPH but not the cadence.  I need to be more diligent on that but have seen an increase of 2-3 rpms over last year, which is an improvement.  It is really hard for me to maintain a higher cadence, but have to let my body accommodate to it over time...Smaller gears, higher cadence, and higher cadence during rest intervals are needed.

Winter Indoor Training Schedule for Cycling Concepts
I have create and modified a schedule for indoor training at Cycling Concepts mainly utilizing the Sufferfest Video series.  It can be found at:
Google Docs: CC Winter Indoor Sessions
I have added ride at both shops, and mixed them up a bit so they do not overlap, and tried to make it so that both shop rides make sense as training regimes.  The Rocky Hill regime is a step up routine over a 3 week period culminating in a Threshold test in March.   The Glastonbury regime is a step down routine over 3 weeks also culminating in a Threshold test in March.  I did this so someone can attent both shop rides a get maximal increase in power output by the end of the 8 week period, or attend each ride independently without loosing any fitness over the winter.
It requires that I create disks for Glastonbury, but I have to get DVD's for that so off to office Depot I go...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Indoor Ride Plan for Wednesdays at CC

Last week during our Threshold Test, Dave asked me to put together a plan for videos for our indoor training sessions at CC, and of course I choose, as any good sufferlandian would, videos.  I tried to mix the rides up to maximize our workout time, and view as many of the videos as possible, and it has a Threshold Test at the end for comparison.  This will be 8 weeks of pure suffering for all!
Here is the list:
Indoors at CC on Wednesday Workout Plan

The workouts will begin on 1/18 with Revolver that features short intervals of high intensity followed by 1 minute rest.  Because we did a Threshold test with a 20 minute max effort last week, I thought short spurts would mix in nicely.  The following week will be a hills session, as we all know, I hate hills, and Angels will undoubtedly make me like them LESS.  At some point we may see an Extra Shot mixed in here or there as a nightly challenge, well at least a challenge to mere mortals...this excludes Dave!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Threshold Test - Jan 11, 2012

Well we did a Threshold Test video at CC tonight, a coach Troy Spinervals Video and here are my marks -
As you can see my Avg speed while moving was 17.7 mph with avgHR of 150 bt./min.  As compared to last years results:
 Avg speed was 15.1 mph with an avgHR of 147 bt./min. and an avgMaxHR of 160 bt/min. 

I would say I have improved my threshold by 3 bt./min. and 2.6 mph. Not too shabby. 
Apparently I have not lost anything since last year, but had a bit of a gain.  The increase in AvgHR is of most interest to me.  Building a higher tolerace and increasing my avgHR during max efforts means that I have a higher tolerance to Lactic Acid which mean a great deal.  Not sure if I had the Kinetic Trainer for last years test, so the avg speed may be meaningless. 

Well I will take what I can get!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Outdoor Training Cannot Be Dublicated...

Yesterday I got a break in the weather, as for January it was really warm at 60 degrees.  NICE!  I have been training indoors for the last Month and a half, and the one thing I can say is that there is not comparison.  Outdoor training is much more strenuous and cannot be duplicated with indoor trainer rides.  Here is my Garmin file:

My avgExHR was 140 with an avgSpeed of 15 mph.  The MPH was down because I had a bit of a head wind coming back in, and my legs were beat.  My legs were very sore after the ride and spent the day today in recovery. 
What this tells me is that I need to ride outside at least once a week to maintain consistency for the spring outdoor season, no matter what I do inside.  I have been working really hard on my indoor sessions, but it still wasn't enough.  I cannot replicate the effect of my body weight effecting my performance.  Therefore, weight loss is going to be critical to increase performance over time.

Wish me luck!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Indoor Training Update...

After three hard indoor training sessions this week, my legs still feel pretty good.  Last night I went to my Brother Nick's and road in the barn.  I didn't think after two hard rides the prior two nights that I would have much left in the tank, but I still managed to ride strong.

Nick and I did a sufferfest video - Revolver that consists of 15 + 1 - 1 minute intervals with 1 minute rest.  The 1 to 1 ratio kept my Heart Rate in the 150 range, so at about interval 12 I decided to stand for a whole interval.  Then I challenged Nick to do the same, which he courageously did.  We then followed that with two more standing intervals for the last 2 regular intervals, making the nights efforts worth while.  Then Sufferfest added an extra interval at the end that I sprinted as hard as I could until I blew up.  Nice ride! ( )

After the ride, Nick kicked up this new Polk speaker, and we listened to the best sound system I have ever heard while having a couple of cold ones and a cheese-less pizza. NICE!

Now tomorrow with the temps in the high 40's we will be outside, with Sunday indoor while watching the Giants.  Awesome!

Have to keep the hard work up as long as I can, as I do not want a repeat of last spring...Need to also keep working on increasing my work avg cadence.  This will hopefully translate into higher cadences on the hills...Just keep'em turn'n!

Week 1 down...11 more to go...