Friday, January 19, 2018

January Goal Completed 12 days early!!!

With 12 days left of January I have completed my miles goal, and looking for new heights for Personal Best...NICE!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Weight Loss Update

Six month view of weight loss to date. with a new low today.  A lot of work went into these numbers, but the key is eating early for digestion through the night.  Also continuing my Ovo-Vegetarian Diet helps me maintain or increase muscle mass while loosing fat. 

It is weird how I can feel my body change as I get stronger on the bike.  My arms and legs are thinning out and getting leaner.  I need to keep working out at the gym doing abs and arms to help strengthen my core, which will only lead to more weight loss...NICE!

Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year - New Pain Cave...

My vacation project completed, I skipped a few steps to get my 1st ride in my new Pain Cave.  I road a shorter ride watching the first half of the Empire Strikes Back before I go to the movies tomorrow night to watch the new Star Wars Movie. 
Love the position of the screen to riding angle, as I no longer have to strain my neck to view the video and data.  I am thinking about tilting the screen a bit more upwards toward me, but not sure how that will effect my other tasks on the computer while sitting.  I will try it in the AM. 
Although there is still a bit of a new paint smell, the ride was very pleasant at the fan kept me cool.  I also like the fact that I set it up on the other side of the room, so I can just walk in a get started instead of having to walk around the bike.  Nice!
All in all, I did a fair job on this project, and it will hopefully lead to many miles in the saddle.  Keep those wheels turnin'!