Friday, September 29, 2017

5 more for my Interim Goal!!!!

OK - Just 5 more to my interim weight Goal and only 1 more mile to my monthly goal.  I cannot wait to get there, just a milestone I want to reach.  Then on to the next one...Gone Gone...on to the next one...

Monday, September 25, 2017

Yearly Goal Adjustment...

OK just made an adjustment to my yearly miles goal for cycling from 1500 to 1000.  This is what I felt would be obtainable for the rest of the year...

1/2 Two Ferry and Weight...

Yesterday I manage to ride 1/2 the Two Ferry ride thanks to Larry C for getting me home...I really enjoyed the ride, except when Ride with GPS took me to Foot Hills Rd.  Look any road with the name Hills in should be avoided in my books, but OH NO without my Garmin 820 I had to use Ride with GPS.  There I was riding the route, when I heard, "Take a Left HERE."  Then, "Take a left onto Leffingwell Rd."  Then about 10 minutes later, it saying, "You are OFF COURSE."  I looked at the street signs and it said, "Foot Hills Rd."  It should have read, Steep Hills Road. Several times in the step ladder experience of Foot Hills Road, I had to resort to my Zig Zag strategy to make the hill, or set of hills that seemed to have no end.  (As you can tell, "I HATE HILLS")  Yesterday I heard, "Hills are the cyclist FRIEND."  WHAT...No enemy of my tendons you mean.
After the long climb, things got a bit better, but on 154, another longish hill, and a women, Gorgeous Woman, was running on the other side faster than I could ride, or did I stay just behind her to lengthen the VIEW...;)
Finally I made it to the Ferry in Chester CT, and was done, in more than one way.

 Looking at the 6th month view we can see the steady decline in weight.  6 lbs from my intermediate short term goal.  I lost 2 lbs yesterday even though I ate a whole medium veggie pizza...Yummy.  I will hopefully BM that out today and tomorrow and be even closer.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

R5 with Green Bar Tape...

OK not sure how I feel about the R5's new Bar Tape color, and being green it should not matter, but it kind of messes with my feng shui a bit...:)
Cervelo R5 with Green Bar Tape

But so does the green on my Outback...Not exactly Kelly or Shamrock Green, but will have to do for now...:)

Friday, September 22, 2017

Weight is steady for a few days...:(

OK my weight has been steady for a few days, and I want it to go down.  I know it will I feel the weight loss, but I have eaten late for the past few days, and my body is now used to that.  I usually eat dinner around 4-5 pm, and last night I ate at 7:30 pm, the same the night before...too late.

I thought this would also effect my sugar levels a bit more, but it hasn't...Great News.  Sugar has been steady, except for the day I had too many apples...Wasn't high but now my usual number. Overall my sugars have been great, and am not on any meds...NICE!

The good news in weight control is that I have not added any weight, just steady state!  Also....NICE!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Lost a few more LBS...7 more to go to intermediate goal!!!!

Only 7 more LBS. to get to my intermediate goal...NICE.  I could say it has been a struggle, but it really hasn't.  People say, "How can you be Vegan, how do you do it." I just don't have anything in my house that would temp me otherwise.  Also, there are enough healthy food choice out right now that finding Vegan or near Vegan food choices out is easier.  I have also help my local diner offer vegan food choice for breakfast...NICE!  Honestly, nearly all of the time, I do not miss anything I don't now eat.  This is a diet I can maintain for a while.

Last time I tried I gave up tooooooo much!  Way too much....Red Sauce for my pasta to be exact, and eggs.  Two things I have found I cannot live without.  So Eat Whites and red sauce IN, fat out...NICE!

7 MORE!  Here we go!πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜…

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Garmin 820 issues and....

If you recall from a prior post, I bought a new garmin cycling computer (Garmin Edge 820)because I want ConnectIQ.  I have had nothing but problems with that darn unit since I bought it.

I have a milestone ride today, so I wanted to connect my 820 to the computer to upload the route...Well the darn thing would not connect to the computer.  I did a soft reboot, hard reboot, new cables, change USB ports, Change Computers, tried to force it into data mode by pressing the Lap button while plugging the USB cable it, and even tried my MacBook...NOTHING Worked.  Now it won't even charge...Go figure.
Today I am going to have to use my VivoActiveHR on my ride with no maps....Ugg.  I am bring it to Keith today, and saying, I want it returned.  He will direct me to Garmin, and it will be the last time I buy electronics from the shop...EVER.
This is not all, I spent probably 8+ hours trying to get this thing working, but heck time is not that important...WHAT?
I have been a loyal Garmin User for many, many years, but this pisses me off....A LOT!!!!

On a more pleasant note:  I am in the right decade, place value, decimal range on my weight.  Weighing in at 279.4 lbs...Applause from the peanut gallery is appreciated....I'll wait....Oh stop...Thank you, but really folks...It was nothing...WHAT?

GARMIN I πŸ‘ΏπŸ’©πŸ’€πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ΎπŸ˜‘πŸ˜«πŸ˜ͺ😩😨😧😦πŸ˜₯😭😭😭😭😭😡😢 YOU!!! take that and LIKE IT!


I took the unit back to my LBS and they agreed to call Garmin on my behalf.  Good NEWS is that Garmin is replacing the unit FREE, and with a new one, not refurbished.  YES!   Only bad thing is I will have another event ride without my Garmin 820...πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‘πŸ’«
On the Bright side, I will have a new one by next week!!!!
but it better work!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Still Loosing Weight, but...

As you can see from the above graphic I am still loosing weight, and am nearing my goal, but I have had a few setbacks this last week. Eating at Loco Perro with my Son and Daughter-In-Law cost me 3 lbs.  I am going to make it this time, below 280 for sure tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Stacy Stretch...


Stacy, a trainer from Healthtrax in Newington, CT, as been stretching my lower body out now for about 5 weeks.  It has helped me tremendously with mobility and kept me riding longer and faster, I can now almost leap a tall building in a single bound. :)...

So one day I was watching Stacy stretch out another guy at the gym.  So an idea, although rare, came to me in a flash...since I can no longer use the hot tub in the mens' locker room for releasing my muscle (psoriatic Arthritis), I would have Stacy do it...Bam!  Success!

I have recommended to others about the wonders of stretching, and having someone stretch you out, and a few are now taking the plunge.  Nice!😎