Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spin class and Water Aerobics

Last night and this morning I took a water aerobics class at Healthtrax in an attempt to have an active recovery workout for my legs to loosen them up a bit while still burning calories. Water Aerobics to me is a great workout, non-impact, and if done intensely enough provides for a great core workout. Gary the leader does a great job keeping the pace up and mixing the exercises to include your complete core. 1 hr and I felt great when I was done.

This morning I did it after and hard spin workout for 50 minutes, and came out loose and recovered. The instructor I had for the spin class was so random with her ride that I had to do my own thing every now and then. I much prefer the more structured intervals of the Spinerval workouts at the bike shops. Although grueling, the are predicable and you can adjust your intensity to maintain the appropriate Heart Rate easier. I also like being on my bike, and not a stationary bike. This offers realistic conditions for training and puts me in my saddle, not on someone else's, BROOKS....NICE!

I then took my commuter bike down to Newington Bike to get a new back rim as mine had seen better days. I put on a custom make bomb proof rim which was wider than the original with 36 spokes instead of 32 and 14 gauge spokes instead of 12. This will make for a much stiffer rear section, although heavier. With my sirrus I do not worry too much about weight as it is a beast anyway. With commuter season only about a month or so away. I need to service that bike to get it ready.

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