Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Finally got off my ars...

Well I finally got on the bike, albeit for a short indoor ride.  Still was on the bike, and put 5 miles in the books.  I felt really strong, and could have pushed it a bit more, but did not want to strain myself.

Lost another pound or so today, feeling great about that.  I know it will continue. My blood sugar was 130 again, so I need to watch that a bit more.

Went to Healthtrax and did 3 sets with a bit more weight on most exercises.  Increased weight on pull downs, chest press and ab machine, while still doing the same number of sets - +10lbs.

I was unable to stretch as much as I wanted as someone was Bogarting the raised bench. I stretched on the stretching machine for a bit, and got in most of my stretches except my hip flexor and IT band stretches.  He was still there 1/2 an hour after I wanted to leave, so I just left and showered.

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