Wednesday, June 16, 2010

RI and River Road Ride

I went to RI yesterday to help my pops with the boats.  First we sanded and varnished the wood on the Egg, then went to pick up the Century at the shop where it was getting one of the motors rebuilt.  We ran the boat back to the house in fairly calm but somewhat choppy seas.  The ride was about 1/2 hour, and that was the best the boat has run in years.  This means we can go tuna fishing, and this time not get caught out near the block.  The only down side was no workout yesterday, but the sun was quite strong, and it felt like I road 30 miles or more by the end of the day. 
Got a call while working on the Egg to go to another interview at CREC for the Reggio Job. This time they want me to teach 18 Pre-K 4 yr olds for 45 minutes.  So tomorrow I will be off to have some fun with the ruggies.  Plan to do a lesson on the Theme of "Force" using scarves and bean bags utilizing a guieded discovery approach.  Then break out the parachute for shaking "Hard" and "Soft" again exploring Force.  Mix in some Yoga as a warm up, and give away jump ropes to each student at the end.  Hopefully that will do it.
Today on my way back to CT I stopped in Essex and cycled River Road to Deep River, back to centerbrook and out Bokum Rd to Saybrook, back to Essex via 154 and started and stopped at Clark Cycle where I changed.  Met and road with another cyclist on Bokum Rd into Saybrook, slowly.  Got back to speed along 154 winding up the ride avg 15 mph for 15 miles.  Nice easy ride.  Suppose to be my hard day, but legs were weak, and it felt good to spin.
I went to HealthTrax to do my ab workout and lift one circuit.  I also added a mini chest/tri circuit on the universal.  Finished in the hot tub, however I did not get to do my stretching routine as it was accupado. 
No to do a lesson plan for the sample lesson/interview tomorrow.  Think I have one already done, just need to modify it somewhat, if I can find it that is.

Just keepin' on!

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