Thursday, June 17, 2010

Interview and Peppers

Today, I went to another interview with CREC's Reggio School in Avon, but since I am riding with Nick tonight before the C's game, I thought better of riding after the interview.  During this interview they wanted me to teach a lesson to the Pre-K students at the school, of which there are a few.  Since the school is being built, they are currently house in a office building in Avon near HealthTrax
I believe the wanted to see how I would react to a worse case scenario, and even tough I was suppose to have a large open area called the Piazza, it was "unavailable.  I had preplanned for this, and brought some scarves so the students could work in a small space, and everyone could participate 100% of the time.  They also gave me, "The most Challenging class" in the school to work with, which were better than my best behaved class at Betances for Pre-K.  It was obvious that they had not had prior instruction using this type of learning, because students did not know what a personal space was.  It was a good thing I brought poly spots, which are little dots for the floor to help younger students with spacial awareness.  We began with two warm-up activities to get the students moving in their space and active to control behavior.  Then I handed out the scarves and used them to guide instruction and reinforce the theme of "Force".  We used words like hard, soft, light, heavy to in open ended questions that students answered physically with the scarves.  All the students did a great job, although they were obviously not used to this type of instruction, they adapted well.  We wound up doing another song called "Bean Bag Boogie" where student balance the scarves of various body  parts just to provide another activity, and redirect behavior.  Before collecting the scarves I did some juggling with two and three scarves.  The final activity was a stretching cool down activity that is called, "Balancing act", another song.  Music sooths the savage beast they say, and it always works for me.  Before leaving I gave the teacher enough jump ropes for each students as a parting gift.  Left overs from a seminar I did prior.  They loved that, and so did the teacher. 
Upon leaving the Principal congratulated me, and told me she would be calling me for the final interview with the director and curriculum coordinator for CREC this week.  It was a fun time had by all, even the 4 teachers in the room had fun and participated.  Looks like I'll be changing jobs this summer. Good bye Hartford!
When I got home I took some pics of my pepper plants that have a few baby peppers on them already..NICE!

Headed out to mow the grass, then off to the gym, and then to Cycle Concepts to get my new seat post.  Tonight will be another hard ride in Marlborough followed by a Win by the C's!

Go C's

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