Well I tried to do an indoor session on Sunday at Newington Bike while watching the Raven's defeat the Texans, but I had nothing in the tank:
After Wednesday's all out Threshold Test (Spinervals: Threshold Test and Sufferfest) I really didn't know what to expect, and as it turned out I had nothing. I couldn't spin, and couldn't get my heart rate up. I expected to at least be able to maintain my HR in the 130's but to no avail. I hope I can get it back by tomorrow indoor session.
After 2 week, and looking at my goals of 14mph and an avg cadence of 80, I am on track for the MPH but not the cadence. I need to be more diligent on that but have seen an increase of 2-3 rpms over last year, which is an improvement. It is really hard for me to maintain a higher cadence, but have to let my body accommodate to it over time...Smaller gears, higher cadence, and higher cadence during rest intervals are needed.
Winter Indoor Training Schedule for Cycling Concepts
I have create and modified a schedule for indoor training at Cycling Concepts mainly utilizing the Sufferfest Video series. It can be found at:
Google Docs: CC Winter Indoor Sessions
I have added ride at both shops, and mixed them up a bit so they do not overlap, and tried to make it so that both shop rides make sense as training regimes. The Rocky Hill regime is a step up routine over a 3 week period culminating in a Threshold test in March. The Glastonbury regime is a step down routine over 3 weeks also culminating in a Threshold test in March. I did this so someone can attent both shop rides a get maximal increase in power output by the end of the 8 week period, or attend each ride independently without loosing any fitness over the winter.
It requires that I create disks for Glastonbury, but I have to get DVD's for that so off to office Depot I go...
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