Well I was able to get in about 70 miles this weekend, between a pre-ride marshall training for the Tour of Hartford next weekend, to my ride with Nick in RI. I also plan a few miles this afternoon to check my new front D that Nick bought me, a change from Ultegra 6601 SL to Dura Ace 7900. This one change will make me much 'Faster'...maybe. Also noticed my rear D wasn't shifting well either, so adjusted that as well. Both still might need some tweaking. The new wheels are rolling fantastic, and even in the wind was able to average 17.3 mph for 30 miles yesterday with Nick...FAST for me. My AvgExHR was 138 and MaxExHR was 159, which means I was near my anaerobic threshold for the entire ride. It was a great ride, and a good workout. I love those flat rides. The whole ride was less than 1000ft of climb, nice!
Not sure if is the placebo effect, but I haven't had a cigar in 5 days, and feel good. I was worried that smoking too much was effecting my respiration during exercise, leading to premature fatigue. I am not sure yet how this will work, but couldn't hurt.
Cycling Concepts did me the honor of putting my story in their newsletter this month, so if you haven't read it, and would like to, here is the URL:
Those of you who have been following "The Thinning of a Fat Man" know the story and have lived the quest!....:)
Ate too much chinese food for lunch after mowing the lawn. Need a nap now...
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