Saturday, January 1, 2011

Winter Outdoor Ride - Marlborough Hills...Ouch!

New Year's Day outdoor ride in Marlborough with my brother Nick.  22 miles of hellacious hills...Ouch!  After a very hard week of riding indoors, with the Threshold test my legs and body was beat.  My average exercise HR for the ride was 139 bt/min, while my max was a whopping 162 going up the hill on rt. 66 going into Hebron.  It was a very warm day for January, and nice to be outside.  Although I felt I road hard, we only managed 11.2 mph, which is the slowest pace thus far on that ride...NOT GOOD!  This may have been due to the bad road condition slowing me down on the flats and downhills as I was worried about crashing.  I felt I really held back on the most of the ride, except the hills, this may have been the reason for the slower than usual avg. speed, not going slower on the hills.  A great workout just the same at just shy of 2 hrs in the saddle. 
This morning I mounted a new Aliante saddle on both the Tommaso and the R3, as Nick gave me a new Aliante Saddle for Christmas, a nice White saddle with red trim and black letters.  I put that one on the R3, and put the saddle that was on the R3 on the Tommaso.  My old Aliante had bit the dust, the middle completely caved in, although not broken.  I bought it used, and it worked for almost a year, so I got my money's worth. 
My son Brian moved down to Groton from Maine today to start his new job at EB as an electrical engineer.  I look forward to having him around.  I bought him a bike for a Graduation/Christmas Gift hoping he will want to ride with Nick and I, but if not, it will make a great tool around bike. 
Having Chinese for Dinner tonight, as I am too whopped to cook.  My legs are so sore right now.  It feels like I have never ridden those hills at all.  Man I hope this gets better.

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