Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sufferfest - Angels in the books....Ouch!

After having read about the collection of indoor training videos on, I downloaded two of them; Angels and Downward Spiral.  Today I decided to try the 60 minute Angels video, and man what a workout.  Average HR of 143bts/min with a MaxExHR of 163, this video was awesome.  The Angles video features Hills from various top level cycling events including the last climb of the Alpe D'Huez.  The video starting with a 10 minute over/under threshold with 70/80 RPE efforts.  Then 3 minutes rest before 3 X 8 minute efforts of 8+ RPE efforts with 4 minutes rest between sets.  My average HR during the climbs was over 150 and the last 4 minutes of each effort was around 157 or higher.  Wow!
This was a great workout after taking the last 3 days off.  Felt great and was one of my best max effort workouts to date.  Definitely a sufferfest!  I would recommend this video as a change to the normal spinervals workouts any day of the week.  Both are good for various reasons, but I felt this made me challenge myself more than the others when by myself.  Maybe not so much in group, but wow!

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