Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Mobile Enhanced Web Application Online...

I have been writing web applications for years using, along with other earlier technologies.  This time around I thought I would tackle new languages and strategies for optimizing web applications for multiple scenerios including mobile devices,'s mvc 4 with jquery mobile. 

There was a bit of a learning curve, as I also switched languages from to c#.  In addition there were other language syntax that needed to be learned, like; jquery, javascript and razor.  Not to mention having to learn the whole MVC strategy for seperation of concerns without the application itself.  Since MVC is a code driven language instead of controls, more code meant more time upfront in development, but less in actual page creation.  However, enhancing sites through code was more difficult, the MVC templates and available documentation made it tolerable. 

I also took my time to view many web casts and tutorial on the require technologies.  The research took time to learn but I think the end product will be worth the wait. 

The first mobile enabled web application is a "Test Bed" for the technology to demostrate its usefulness to the final product.  Activities, as it is called, is simply a web application that displays physical activities from the compedium of physical activity numbering more than 800 entries.  Right now the application list them both as a whole, and by type.  Both application have CRUD functions, (create, read, update and delete), while the mobile application has the ability to search dynamically the various activities and types.  The jquery Mobile environment is only an extention of the regular browser app instead of having to be its own application.  Thanks to MVC I did not have to recreate the logic for the pages data, but just the view for the page in HTML 5.

Next steps will be create a "My Favorite Activities" app where users can create a list of their own favorite activities from the compedium.  This will be useful in the first stages of create an activity plan later on in Fitness 1st.

As of 12/7/2011 you can view the application at :

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