Monday, March 7, 2011

Mounting Hutchinson Fusion 3 Tubeless on the R3...

I had to take a personal day today due to a flooded basement from the rain and melting snow of last night. I finished around 10:30 am with the cleanup, so I decided to go to Cycling Concepts to have Sondre help me with the install.  Good thing, because there were several errors I would have otherwise missed. A good reason to have a relationship with your LBS is their expertise and experience with these things.  Sondre is a very good mechanic and is always very helpful to me, and knows I like to do most of the work myself.  CC allows me the luxury of doing my work there on new things with their help. 
I took off the old Vittoria Open Corsa I had on, but forgot my tubeless stems that came with my 7850 wheels, so I went back home to get them.  Had to have Sondre show me how they went on, as they were directionally different.  I would have put them on wrong, and maybe messed the install up completely or had leaks otherwise. 
Sondre took on wheel and I the other, and began mounting the Hutchinson Fusion 3's to the rims.  We had to partially unscrew the stems to get the bead to mount correctly to the rim, but the most difficult part was getting the last bit of tire over the rim without levers.  It took both of us to get it over the lip.  We used Stan's in the wheel to give it added flat protection, in the manner viewed on the video by Stan himself, by pouring it into the tire, and slowly turning the wheel until it was at the bottom of the rim.  After mounting the tire on the rim, we inflated it with compressed air.  The rear leaked a bit at first, but the front went on without any leakage at all.  I then inflated to 120lbs with a hand pump, and rear snapped into the rim with a thunk.  Sondre said to leave it a 120lbs until I ride and then reduce the tire pressure to around 100lbs in the rear and 95 in the front.
I brought the wheels home and put them back on the R3, and now I am ready to roll, hopefully without a flat!
Bought Sondre and Dave a pizza for their efforts from Michael Angelo's next door.

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