Sunday, November 13, 2016

1 Week In and 2nd Dose

OK I have been one Methotrexate for one week and there was no change in my hands or feet. The swelling in both went for low to high and back again, with pain doing likewise, all week long.  I was able to get outside to ride twice this week, which was more the type of bike and my determination than anything else.
Friday night I took my 2nd dose of the stuff, and Saturday had a bit of diarrhea, and loose stool this am.  But woke up today (Sunday) with my hands welling a bit better without meds and my feet not aching, but still still and toes sore.  I am able to type normally albeit with a dash of pain, nothing like yesterday.
Over time I have noticed that not food but weather effects my symptoms most.  Temperature has little effect, but when the barometer changes, my swelling and pain rise dramatically, usually before a storm or rain, Once raining however the severe pain calms down and subsides a bit.  Ate red sauce last night to little effect today.  In fact my spirit is great because of the red sause....:)
We shall see what the week brings, but am happy and thinking of road riding today, so I held off from riding indoors the AM.  Would love to take either the gunnar or R5 out for a spin....

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