Friday, September 30, 2016

Food for thought

Since I have contracted Psoriatic Arthritis I have completely changed my diet and eating habits to help reduce inflammation in my joints. Therefore, I will be using this blog to help track my food intake for the previous day and my joint pain and stiffness to fedder out the culprits.

My current diet plan includes the removal of meats from animals, with the exception of fish and eggs.  I have also decided to be gluten free as well.  I started with a gluten free diet in mid-August, and Pescetarianism in the first week of Sept.  I have also removed Night shade vegetables whenever feasible as these are also a source of inflammation.

Thus Far I have seen a lessening of my symptoms, but I still have a lot  of inflammation and pain.   In addition I have found that eating red sauce or tomatoes, bell pepper, potatoes and wheat effect my symptoms the most.  Specially the red sauce and for an Italian boy that is drastic.  I did have Rye bread without issue, but 100% whole wheat cause an increase in inflammation.  I do not eat too many fresh tomatoes but ate salsa with some tomatoes without effect.

Ate Wild Salmon with rice and veggies last night and seems to be a positive result.  Today I can touch type so that is an improvement.

If you are inflicted by this disease see what your triggers are, and stick to it adding foods back one at a time and record the results.  Seems to be working a bit for me.

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