Monday, December 31, 2012

End of the year report

Well another cycling year gone by, another one only a day away, so it is time for my end of the year report. 
Well total miles for the year was - 2,665.94 mi.  Not 3000 like I had planned but this was a tough summer for injury, as my knee and hip were acting up.  Last week I think I found the culprit to my delima, and this upcoming year should be a better one.  I am also going to temper my expectations a bit by riding smarter, and not riding a long, but riding more often. 
My borher does not count indoor miles, but any mile I do in the saddle counts for me, so although I look at them, I do not think they are any less valuable.  He hates riding indoors and does not do it as often, but I ride indoor on the trainer often and hard.  I will therefore count them here and always.
With my knee and hip pain curbed I have ridden all week each day, but instead of an hour, I have done 30 - 40 minutes and my legs are thanking me.  My plan for indoors is to ride each day with short 30-40 minute workouts, except for Wednesday when at CC where I will ride longer than an hour most nights.  To do this I think I will need to ride before work most days, so waking up and 1/2 hour earlier, and riding is a must.  Wish me luck.

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